The electric toothbrush has been a popular dental hygiene tool for decades, but electric toothbrushes cost more than their manual counterparts. Is it really worth the money?
In 2002, the main consumers’ magazine in Denmark tested electric toothbrushes from nine different manufacturers. The tests were carried out by a panel of five dentists. The electric toothbrushes were divided into two groups, those with a rotating head and those where the electric toothbrush head vibrated.
The electric toothbrushes from all manufacturers scored very well in relation to cleaning, but it should be noted that the choice of an electric toothbrush is a matter of personal preference. Some prefer a rotating electric brush while others prefer one with a vibrating electric brush head.
There are two big benefits associated with electric toothbrushes: built-in timers and gum recession prevention. Findings from the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, found that electric toothbrushes resulted in 22% less gum recession and 18% less tooth decay over the 11-year period
However, the electric toothbrush is only capable of what you put into it. If you do not properly clean your teeth with an electric toothbrush just as efficiently as with a manual toothbrush, it will have no effect! The electric toothbrush does not replace the manual toothbrush – it supplements it.
Whether electric or manual, the most important thing is to do a good job of brushing your teeth and gums at least twice a day. The electric toothbrush can help you to brush more thoroughly – but if it is too costly, you might as well stick with a manual toothbrush.
It’s also important to look for the ADA Seal, no matter if the toothbrush is electric or manual. It’s how you’ll know an independent body of scientific experts, the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs, evaluated your toothbrush to make sure bristles won’t fall out with normal use.
Both types of toothbrush can effectively and thoroughly clean your teeth. It all depends on which one you prefer. People who find it difficult to use a manual toothbrush may find a powered toothbrush more comfortable.
If you have more questions about which toothbrush is right for you, contact your dentist. At Dreamtime Dentistry we are happy to answer any of your dental hygiene questions. Contact us today to book your next appointment!