North County San Diego Root Canals

Sometimes, tooth decay or damage can be so bad that it affects the inner portion of your tooth, known as the pulp, this is when a root canal is necessary. Ryan Watkins, DDS, and his team of dental experts at Dreamtime Dentistry Dental Group perform safe and effective root canals to treat infected teeth.

Root Canals Q & A

What are Root Canals?

Root canals are advanced procedures that Dreamtime Dentistry Dental Group administers to restore a tooth when it has decay, damage, or infection of the pulp.

Root Canals
Root canal therapy is a very common procedure. It has a reputation of being undesirable and painful. But when done properly it is actually painless. Every tooth in your mouth is composed of a crown and a root. When a cavity or bacteria penetrates the tooth, the root and its nerves become irritated. As a result, the bacteria within the pulp cavity needs to be removed and cleaned in order to restore the tooth to its healthy state. Following the procedure, the tooth is fragile and consequently is restored with the natural crown for a lifetime of durability. Root canals have a success rate of 95% or greater. Most root canal are diagnosed by patients’ sensitivities to a specific tooth. Be sure to consult your dentist any symptoms or discomfort occur.

Before root canals became common practice, the only treatment available for treating damaged or decayed pulp was to remove the tooth entirely. When you get a root canal, the team at Dreamtime Dentistry Dental Group preserves your natural tooth while restoring your oral health.

What Symptoms are Associated with the Need for a Root Canal?

You might need a root canal if you’re experiencing:

  • Intense toothache
  • Discoloration in your tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold substances
  • Pus around your gum-line
  • Small pimple near your tooth root
  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Pain in your tooth when you bite down

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, schedule a visit with Dreamtime Dentistry Dental Group immediately. The team can perform a visual exam of your tooth and take an X-ray to determine whether you need a root canal.

Putting off your treatment only allows the infection to get worse. Avoiding a root canal can also lead to more serious oral health concerns,

like tooth loss, infection of nearby teeth, or an abscess.

What is Involved with the Root Canal Procedure?

First, the team at Dreamtime Dentistry Dental Group takes an X-ray of your mouth to assess the extent of the infection. The X-ray also serves as a guide during the procedure.

Next, your provider numbs your tooth and the surrounding tissue with a local anesthetic so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

After your tooth is numb, your dentist makes a tiny hole in the top of the tooth and uses a series of small files to remove the damaged pulp inside. Once all the damage and decay is removed, the chamber is cleaned and filled with a rubbery compound called gutta-percha.

Your dentist finishes the procedure by filling the hole in the top of your tooth and fitting you with a dental crown for added strength and protection.