Oral Space Maintainers, How They’re Used

Most of the time, your children lose baby teeth naturally and at the appropriate time to make room for permanent teeth to come in. Sometimes, however, baby teeth fall out prematurely, leaving a gap in your child’s smile at an inopportune time. This gap can pose the risk of adjacent teeth shifting and blocking the space meant for adult teeth. Space maintainers are devices that your dentist can place in the gap left by baby teeth to reserve that space for adult teeth. At Dreamtime Dentistry, we offer space maintainers to our young patients in Vista, California, to help keep their teeth in proper alignment.

What are dental space maintainers, and how are they used?

It is a completely natural process for children to lose their baby teeth, paving the way for their permanent, adult ones. However, sometimes, baby teeth might come out too soon, leaving an open gap that might lead to the shifting of other teeth and blocking space that is meant for the incoming adult teeth. At Dreamtime Dentistry, we have a solution for this: dental space maintainers. Our Vista, California, area office is ready to help your children maintain an aligned smile even in the earliest stages before orthodontic treatment is needed. Our team is here to assist parents in understanding the benefits of dental space maintainers and sometimes even avoid orthodontic treatment in the future.

What is a dental space maintainer?

Our team describes the dental space maintainer as a custom-made orthodontic appliance that holds open the space left by a missing baby tooth. This maintains proper spacing and prevents other teeth from shifting into that gap.

When should I consider a space maintainer for my child?

We typically recommend space maintainers for children who lose their baby teeth before their permanent, adult teeth are ready to grow. This could be due to early decay, accidental injury, or even a congenital defect. Regardless, dental space maintainers ensure that the rest of the teeth stay in place until the arrival of the permanent ones. There are two other reasons why children might need a dental space maintainer: premature loss of baby teeth and congenitally missing adult teeth.

What are the different types of space maintainers?

There are two varieties of space maintainers offered: fixed and removable:

  • Fixed dental space maintainers. These semi-permanent fixtures cover gaps left by missing baby teeth. If your child’s adult teeth might take a while to come through, we may resort to this option. Depending on your child’s dental need, our dental team can choose from four types of fixed space maintainers, such as the crown and loop, distal shoe, lingual, and unilateral.
  • Removable dental space maintainers. Preferred when permanent teeth are almost ready, these custom-made maintainers can even include a temporary tooth to facilitate easy brushing and flossing during the waiting period.

Who can I contact to learn more about dental space maintainers or the need for orthodontic treatment?

With the help of space maintainers, transitioning from baby teeth to adult teeth can be a much smoother experience for most. For more information on these specific devices, we invite you to contact the team at Dreamtime Dentistry in Vista, California, at (760) 274-0993 to request an upcoming appointment. Our practice is located at 950 Vista Village Drive and is open to new and returning patients and families in the surrounding areas.

Dr. Ryan Watkins, near me

Dr. Ryan Watkins

Dr. Ryan Watkins is a licensed dentist with specialized training in anesthesiology, blending expertise in general anesthesia and IV sedation within his private practice. A graduate of Loma Linda School of Dentistry in 2003, Dr. Watkins completed advanced anesthesiology training at Riverside County Regional Medical Center, Loma Linda University Medical Center, and the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry Surgery Center for Dentistry. He has extensive experience including complex cases in endodontics, periodontics, dental implants, oral surgery, and pediatric dentistry. His experience and dedication to sedation dentistry ensure exceptional care, particularly for children and adults who benefit from his integrative approach.

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